Installing Quartz shower channels
Form and function are key attributes of the Quartz showerdrain range. ACO’s legendary drainage engineering has been applied just as vigorously to linear shower channel concepts. ACO has engineered the QuARTz shower channels so that they may be installed using any regular shower waterproofing system from the conventional CPE membrane to a painted membrane or a fabric membrane.
In addition to impeccable engineering, ACO provides a full range of accessories to ensure easy connections to drainage pipes and waterproofing systems. We provide conventional plastic and cast iron flange connectors, as well as the ACO developed ‘push-fit’ connector, which allows the shower channel to be connected at any point in the floor, including up against the wall. Leveling feet are supplied with every channel. Secondary drainage holes in shower channel bodies and factory fitted fabric cloth membranes make connection to fabric waterproofing equally simple.
Click here for detailed Shower Channel CPE installation instructions.
Click here for detailed Shower Channel with fabric membrane installation instructions.